Tuesday, September 28, 2004

first day

Well, sort of not my first day. I've been hanging around UWE for some 10 years since starting my BA in 93. I've been a sort of hungry ghost ever since, wandering purposelessly around various departments looking for some sort of purpose. I'm trying to decide whether it's a good thing, because it means I'm not an unknown face and I know certain things about the different departments, or a bad thing because people will assume that I'm aware of things I simply am not. It remains to be seen, although I should guard against ascribing any problems to this slight peculiarity. Truth is that the support for research students is a lot more on the flexible/ad hoc basis (with the empahsis ther being quite neutral, honest) and I need time to get used to the various systems that it is composed of.

Monday, September 27, 2004

stuff to do

Last day before enrolment at UWE and the chance to meet, officially, some of the people I've been hanging around for some time. I've many other different strands to pull in.

The latest one is the new e-newsletter that the bookarts list is about to start publishing. Called The Bonefolder, it'll be a peer-reviewed newsletter about book arts. Probably with a committed regular set of commentators who move mostly in the book-art-as-binding/total book end of things, if the content of the book arts list is anything to go by. It does have times where the history of book arts is discussed, however, and I'm sure if I trawl the archives a bit i can find out that people have in the past written about the creative side of it as well: how do we create the books? How do we decide on the content? Most importantly for me, why do we choose book art over something else? Perhaps I can work up something on these themes that might be suitable. Certainly it would be no bad thing to begin publishing pieces, however modestly.

Other things include my two outstanding exhibits at Ale& Porter, my commissioned work for the same, my other artworks, my commissioned design work from the library, the class I'm about to teach at Spike, and oh, hey, how about I learn some research techniques and project management skills too? When I'm not grinning at the thought of the good stuff I'm going to get to do, it seems a bit overwhelming. But it is, after all, work i like doing, which is why I'm doing it.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

leafy leafy

Originally uploaded by aesop.
this is a leaf